Frequently Asked Questions

You can consume one tablespoon (up to two tablespoon) each day.

You can consume GAC Fruit Puree directly or mix with fruit juice or water. 

Yes, the GAC fruit puree is safe for children above 2 years old. GAC fruit puree is 100% extracted from GAC fruit with no added preservatives, however please consult your doctor if you child have any allergies to certain food. 

Yes, the GAC fruit puree is safe for pregnant mothers. However, as the GAC fruit puree is a fruit, please consult your doctor if you have allergies to certain food. 

Yes, the GAC fruit puree is safe for breast feeding mothers. GAC fruit puree is 100% extracted from GAC fruit with no added preservatives, however please consult your doctor if you have any allergies to certain food. 

Unopened: GAC Fruit Puree has a shelf life of one year from the manufacture date. 

Opened:  Once open, keep GAC fruit Puree in refrigerator and consume within one month. 


Unopened: Store in room temperature in cool dry place.

Opened: Store open product in refrigerator, and consume within one month. 

GAC Fruit Puree is 100% natural cold pressed with no added preservatives or additives. Hence, there will be slight colour and taste differences.  

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